
Monday, 25 February 2013

Desktop Gadgets not displaying properly in Windows-7 and Vista

Hi All,

Its time to share a solution again. 

I restored my laptop 15 days ago or so.. and then never used gadgets , but today when i tried to use them, i  found my desktop gadgets behaving weirdly

The clock appears alien with black background and a red line in between.
Tried to search through the internet for this solution.  Found few links , which asks me to play with the registry of windows, to which i am most reluctant.

Banged my head again and again and finally found a solution to it.  This is the link to the forum.

Windows Desktop Gadgets appearing Alien  ::D

I tried the Case-II of the mentioned solution and..

And it simply...  

... WORKED..!!!!

And a discussion pointed on the symptoms of such problem was explained at:

Another Discussion:
